Yorba Linda California

Update for Yorba Linda California Temple video

A month or so back, the Church released an updated render for the Yorba Linda Temple. The change was necessitated by a request from the city to lower the height of the steeple. This the Church complied with, and the design for the temple went from a post-modern design with Art-deco and Spanish influences to a modern design with Spanish influences with just a few simple changes.

I’m not entirely sold on the new design, I am not certain the massing of the spire is appropriate for the overall building, but I am sure the architect did what he could with the restrictions they were working under. And there is the distinct possibility that I am entirely missing aspects of the design that make it work better.

Yorba Linda California Temple video

Well, I’m slowly working through all of these temple models I need to finish. There are a bunch now, and I have been focusing on other projects. But, here is the model for Yorba Linda California Temple.

I want to make it clear, this is guesswork. I don’t know what the landscaping will look like, I just kind of made it up. I fully expect I will have to redo this once more info comes out.

Feather River California

A new video for Feather River California Temple

I learned a thing or two about the Feather River Temple, so I made some changes. The temple sits facing north on the site, as does the Statue atop the spire, according to the render. This model reflects that, as well as the redwood trees on the north east corner of the lot that are being preserved.

Continue reading “A new video for Feather River California Temple”
Sacramento California Temple

Sacramento California Temple video is now online!

My Sacramento California Temple video is now online! This one took a lot of time to finish, the grounds giving me just as much fuss as the temple did. So many little details. I did try out something new, so the forest around the temple is about as full of trees as it should be. Look forward to seeing me use that more often in upcoming videos!

Click the image below to be taken to my Sacrmaneto California Temple page for more details about this model and the temple.

Newport Beach California

Newport Beach California Temple is now online!

My Newport Beach temple model is finally finished, for now. I re-rendered this whole video multiple times. First, I messed up the trees. Half of them were floating in the air, the other half were buried in the ground. Then I messed up the camera movement somehow. As the video rotated around the east side of the temple back towards the front, it suddenly wipped around to the west side, did a quick do-se-doh, then settled back on the front of the temple. It was weird. Now it is done, and I just noticed I missed details on the windows and spire dome. I haven’t the heart to render it again, so I will fix it later!

Newport Beach California Temple

Click through the image below to visit my Newport Beach California Temple page.

Oakland California Temple

Oakland California Temple video

I have uploaded my video of the Oakland California Temple. I meant to upload a different video, but I had a problem with floating trees and decided to rerender, sot his one was ready and it took it’s place.

Oakland California Temple

Click the image below to go to my Oakland Temple page and learn more about this video and about the history and details of the Oakland Temple.

Sunday at Sacramento California

The detail on the archways at the front of the Sacramento California Temple are taking more time than I could have imagined. It does not help that they are not straight. I have to work on a clone of the angled section that has been straightened out. This is not really a problem, but it does take a bit longer. The archways are done, though and now I will be able to focus on other aspects of the temple next time I get round to here.

 Sacramento California Temple Early2