Pago Pago American Samoa Temple

Pago Pago American Samo Temple Model and Video

This model is not an official model/video of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For more information on the temple itself, visit the Wiki.


This video was created just a few days after the artists render was released. As such, I am guessing about most of the temple.


For this model I was able to locate files that had been recorded less than a mile from the temple site.

Cardinal Myzomela · Myzomela cardinalis
Bobby Wilcox, XC317190. Accessible at

Polynesian Wattled Honeyeater · Foulehaio carunculatus
Samuel Jones, XC180830. Accessible at


The image below is my attempt to recreate the original proposal for the Pago Pago Temple before it was dropped in favor of a mulitude of temples.