End Credits Bonus Scene 2: Saratoga Springs’ Future Temple

There are two plots that the Church owns in Saratoga Springs, one which is or was a welfare farm. We stopped by both in the hope that one of these two is the future temple plot. We figure that there’s a 75% chance that we’re 50% right.

This is the site that makes the most sense to me.
Aren’t unexpected bonus features great?

Thus ends our final Temple Run. We have been to 30 temples plus 3 potential temple sites in 91 hours, well 92 hours after we are each home in our own beds getting some much needed sleep. Thank you for participating with us online and being part of our epic trip. Special thanks to those who visited us at temples and sites – you know who you are.

End Credits Bonus Scene 1: Layton’s Future Temple

Though just announced a week ago, it has already been reported in local papers that the Church acquired land in Layton City limits just 2 days prior to the announcement of the new Temple. We are here at the site that the Church purchased in a valiant effort to not only hit existing temples, but announced ones as well!